Friday, March 1, 2013

Sheree Whitfield Files Restraining Order Against Atlanta Blogger ...

Sheree Whitfield?has filed a restraining order claiming that Atlanta blogger?Tamara Tattles?has been stalking her and showing up at her home without permission.

The former ?RHOA? star also claims Tattles took photos of Chateau Sheree (her dream home) without permission when she paid a visit to the under-construction property. Tamara claims a construction worker on the property invited her in and allowed her to tour the premises.

Some think its strange that Whitfield has only gone after Tattles when other bloggers who have posted video and photos from the construction site.

Here?s the petition courtesy of?thejasminebrand:

Former ?Real Housewives of Atlanta? star Sheree Whitfield sought a protective order against an Internet blogger she claims is stalking her. Whitfield filed a ?Petition for Stalking Temporary Protective Order? against Tamara Kay Brawner, in Fulton County Superior Court. She claims Brawner harasses and stalks her, showing up at the construction site of her home, snapping photos and blogging about it all. According to her complaint: ?In October 2011 the respondent commenced an online blog about the petitioner?s home titled ?Chateau Sheree,? giving the online world a play-by-play of the construction progress of the petitioner?s home. The respondent then commenced additional online blogs regarding the petitioner?s legal proceedings, the petitioner?s business label, and delays in the petitioner?s home construction, the demise of the petitioner?s reality television career, and other disparaging remarks.? Whitfield says in her complaint: ?Between October 2011 and February 2013, the respondent came onto the petitioner?s property and took pictures which the respondent subsequently posted to her online blog. On 2/18/2013 the respondent gained access into the petitioner?s home, without the petitioner?s consent. The respondent collected photographs of the petitioner?s home and has also posted a detailed narrative of the floor-plan of the interior of the petitioner?s home.? Whitfield claims Brawner described the interior of her home in a blog posted on Feb. 18. ?On other occasions, respondent spied on me without my consent in order to harass or intimidate me and respondent transferred information about to others without my consent knowing that they could harass or intimidate me with it and similar events may occur in the future,? the petition states.

Tamara?s attorney offered this rebuttal to Sheree?s claims:

?We believe this order to be completely baseless and look forward to defending against it and, ultimately, having the entire action dismissed at the upcoming hearing in the matter. There has been no ?stalking? or any illegal conduct on behalf of my client and we believe that will be more than evident when my client has her day in court.?

A deposition is scheduled to take place.

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